Wednesday 20 August 2014


Want to be a writer but cannot bear sitting too long? Why don't be a Fortune Cookies Writer ?

Fortune Cookies Writer is a job which needs writer to write only one to two sentences only per publication. For certain writer, this task is a dream-job for them. Even though fortune cookies was not always big business, Wonton Foods managed to be the biggest manufacturer of fortune cookies. They even had shipping 5 million cookies daily. It be sent to United States, Canada and Europe. Fortune cookies writer need to be creative and always come out with new ideas of messages. A lot of effort and research need to be done by the fortune cookies writer to craft unique pieces of fortunes. This is important because they give impact to the readers. Readers usually will inspire with the message that they got from the cookies. Nowadays, there are blogs that tells about the history and art of writing fortune cookie fortunes.

One of Fortune Cookies Writer. Source : YouTube

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