Sunday 24 August 2014


Golf Ball Divers
Golf Ball Divers scoop up the misdirected balls so that they can be cleaned and sold to other self-punishing. But golfers didn't like to see golf ball divers at work. It is because it reminds them of their failures. Regarding that, golf ball divers do their work at the early in the morning before the golfers arrive. Golf ball divers have to strap on scuba gear and dive to the bottom of the water feature. When you already got the golf ball, you have to drop it in a collection bag. One golf ball may be quite light but hundred of them are definitely very heavy. This job requires big muscles. After done scouting the water feature for errant balls, you have to package them and give them to the employer. You keep an accurate count of all of the balls you collect, and provide that paperwork to your employer as well.

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